We left Charlotte on a very cold Sunday flying Delta all the way with free frequent flier tickets. I had e-mailed our hotel in Lima asking if they could send someone to pick us up at the airport since we arrived after midnight. It was a relief to get through customs and see in the waiting crowd someone holding up a sign that said “Thomas E. Manley”. Our driver sped through deserted streets to the locked and bolted doors of our hotel. The Gran Hotel Bolivar is a very old, elegant hotel built in the 1920’s. Luckily someone was awake to answer the bell and undo all of the locks! We splurged and got a three room suite with balconies overlooking Plaza San Martin for less than a room at the Holiday Inn Express would cost at home. The hotel has a lot of character but has seen better days. The next day we walked down to the central plaza to watch the changing of the guards that takes place every day at noon in front of the old palace. Unfortunately, about 15 minutes before noon, squads of riot police and tanks cleared the square of all people. We kept asking if they were expecting trouble but it seems this is an everyday occurrence for security. It certainly limited photo opportunities except for photos of the police!
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