We spent today again in Cusco, walking around the town and eating lunch in one of the excellent restaurants near the main square. As we were walking back to the apartment, we heard a band and ended up chasing a parade for more than a mile up and down the streets. I only had one camera with me (shame!) so I was running backwards in front of the parade while Tommy helped me change lenses, batteries, and cards. We didn't know it at the time, but this was the first of many carnival parades that we would run into all over Peru. They all seemed to have a few things in common: A group of men straining to carry a very heavy statue of a saint, older women in colorful hats and many, many skirts dancing, young scantily dressed women dancing, men and boys in costumes and big-nosed masks miming being rowdy and drinking, a distinguished majordomo and his wife, lots of very talented brass bands and all of the spectators throwing water on each other! Enjoy the carnival!

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