After a good hotel breakfast, we checked out, leaving the car and most of our luggage at the hotel. We took a taxi to the port in the pouring rain and signed up with Taquile islanders for a boat trip on Lake Titicaca to Uro, Amantani, and Taquile Islands for 30 soles each. Our boat is the Milky Way. It's raining too hard to stop at the reed islands on the way out so we'll save those until the trip back. Thank goodness the rain stopped before we got to Amantani, a four hour ride on the slow boat.

We were met at the boat by Coco, our host for the night. Coco is 38 years old and has four children. The oldest is handicapped and lives with Coco's mother. Pilar is sixteen and goes to school in Puno. Still living at home are Vicky, fourteen, and Jefferson, nine. Coco's husband is also in Puno being treated for headaches. Coco fixed us a delicious lunch of vegetable quinoa soup with fried cheese, rice and potatoes. After lunch, we hiked to the top of the mountain on the island. It was a long, steep hike but the views were worth it.

After a supper of more vegetable soup, stewed vegetables, and rice, Coco dressed us up in native costumes and we went to the community center where the whole village showed up to dance.