Well, I've been very, very lax about catching up on my blog. I have been traveling with my Leicas but have not had time to process all of the photos so I've been using that as an excuse not to post anything. I think instead of trying to go back to February, I'll just start where I am now and try to post a photo every day or two as I work on them. Today I have a photo of a critter that crawled up on the porch at the farm. With help from internet friends, it's been identified as an Imperial Moth Caterpillar, which makes sense because I also have a dead Imperial Moth that I hadn't been able to identify. I think this one is about to crawl into the ground and turn into a moth. The weather has been very cool and rainy the last few days so new bugs and worms are appearing. This photo was made with a Canon 5D and a Leica R 100/Macro. I would have used the Visoflex on my M8 but didn't have it at the farm with me.